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Everything you need to know about MaxLight skylights: benefits, options and how to choose

If you’ve decided to choose MaxLight skylights for your home, then congratulations! The decision is inarguably an extremely smart choice, and you are installing some of the most technologically advanced skylights on the market. However, with several options to choose from, it’s not always easy to know which type of MaxLight skylight you should use in the different parts of your home.

This handy guide will help you make the right choice to maximise natural light flowing into your home, reduce your energy bills and keep the heat outside – where it belongs.
The key benefits of MaxLight skylights
Before we discuss …

Tubular Skylights and Traditional Skylights – What is the Difference?

When you want some more natural light in your home, skylights are a great option. But which is better? Tubular skylights or more traditional skylights?
What are tubular skylights?
Tubular skylights offer a different solution for homes especially in situations where traditional skylights aren’t viable. If you have a larger roof cavity or attic, a tubular skylight may be your only option. In a tubular skylight, sunlight is captured through a dome on the roof and reflected down a mirrored tube before reaching the diffuser, which sends light into the home. Diffusers are often much smaller than traditional skylights but …

Skylight installation: DIY versus Professionals

As electricity prices continue to rise, it can put a strain of the household budget for Australian families and businesses. Fortunately, we have now realised that natural sunlight is not only beneficial to our health, but is a natural alternative to electricity and far more environmentally friendly.

Skylight installation

Nowadays, more and more families and businesses are seeing and reaping the benefits of skylights, as they are easy to install and will help save you on electricity bills. If you are serious about installing a skylight for your home or business, you are probably thinking …

Skylights Take off in Sydney

The architectural crowds, competing for space in Sydney’s red-hot housing and urban design industries, are often used as a litmus test for what is trending with new home builders today. They are sensitive to the needs and demands of their clients, and they need to be, to reach such a position as theirs as the gatekeeper of new housing trends.


Lately, the trend has been defined quite clearly: new home builders in Sydney these days are going wild over skylights. Natural light, soft and seasonally-aware, has been given a notable vote of confidence by designers of late, and has been invited …

Why Natural Light Is So Important To Our Health, Wellbeing and Pocket!


Adding free sunlight into your home and workspace has been proven to have both psychologically and physiologically benefits. Pure sunlight, rather than electric lighting, provides the full visible spectrum of light, which helps reduce eyestrain and makes colours in our belongings, decor and clothing look their true colour. This can be particularly important in retail environments where you are trying to make your goods look as attractive as possible, and at home where you want your carefully selected furniture and decor to look exactly as it did in the store or magazines.


happy family


Many people …

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